The ASD Centro Judo Gymnastics Tifernate was born in 1978 from an idea of two young boys, Augusto Mariotti and Caterina Polverini.
Known on the judo mat .... love blossomed between one workout and another .... love that saw the birth of this ASD.
Caterina through her university study plan, at the ISEF in Perugia, concluded with 110 cum laude, decided to deepen her passion for ginnastica artistic that was not yet in Città di Castello.
While Augusto decided to continue and perfect his passion for judo, with studies at the National Academy of Judo in Rome and a degree at the ISEF in Naples.
From this enthusiasm, however, the difficulties begin: THE HEADQUARTERS!
THREE locations in the first THREE years! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The first location, in which the Club began its activity, was the gymnasium of the Liceo Classico in via del Luna, subsequently due to a "questionable position of the Municipal Administration" , the ASD was forced to move to the 'Beata Margherita Institute, and then moved to the premises, currently merged with the Carabinieri barracks in viale Vittorio Emanuele Orlando.
Later the Club had to move again and for 25 years to the historic headquarters in Via Aretina, a former factory in disuse.
After all these years a new forced move, this time in two separate locations; artistic gymnastics, in a shed in the industrial area, in via Sorel, while Judo in the premises of the Casina Verde in via Martiri della Libertà , but after two years, in July of 2010 we were forced to face yet another move, in a single location, namely the current one, in via don Lorenzo Milani in Riosecco.
Obviously always in PRIVATE structures!
As you can see, the path della Asd Centro Judo Gymnastics Tifernate was very demanding and fraught with difficulties, especially in finding the right location as a venue, as the Public Spaces according to the Administrators: "are few and not suitable for the performance, if not amateur and limiting, of our activities ".
Furthermore, the impossibility of storing the bulky and heavy equipment, the impracticality of assembly and disassembly of said material for each training session, were the causes of this forced choice.
In fact, not everyone is aware or can imagine what a sporting activity needs, in terms of equipment, in order to secure their athletes, in carrying out their activity, which obviously goes in search of maximum performance !!
Certainly we could have opted for a more advantageous solution, but our watchwords have always been:
Let alone as in our case, having to solve these problems for two sports disciplines !! However, the Founding Members did not give up, and rolling up their sleeves they have, completely at their expense and with their own resources, piece by piece created by crumbling structures, a Club that is indicated by many Managers and Technicians National, as an example of functionality, while in the local area we have been attributed, since birth, the brand of " Private Activity ", perhaps to avoid or exempt from having to intervene as is the case for other sports activities in the field of support and development, the bodies in charge.
To guarantee also from a technical and professional point of view, its members have been decided to work under the aegis of CONI and CIP through the respective National Sports Federations , as an Amateur Sports Association .
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