Asd Centro Judo Ginnastica Tifernate
The ASD Centro Judo Gymnastics Tifernate was founded in 1978; the dream of ​​a young couple, Augusto Mariotti and Caterina Polverini.
Likened to the 'tatami' of judo .... between one workout and the next, love blossomed .... a love that formed the club ASD.
Caterina, through her university studies at the ISEF in Perugia, decided to extend her knowledge of artistic gymnastics that, in fact had not yet been introduced to the town of Città di Castello.
While Augusto decided to continue and perfect his passion for judo, with his studies at the National Academy of Judo in Rome and a Degree at the ISEF of Naples.
From this combined enthusiasm, however, the difficulties began: THE LOCATION!
In the first three years THREE different gyms!
The first venue, in which the Club started its activity, was the gymnasium of the Liceo Classico in Via del Luna, but for bureacratic reasons, the Asd was soon forced to move to the 'Istituto Beata Margherita,' but this was only temporary and they soon moved to viale Vittorio Emanuele Orlando.
Later the Club had to move again and for 25 years was based in the historic premises of Via Aretina, a former disused factory.
After all of those years, the gym moved again, this time to two separate locations; artistic gymnastics took place in an empty warehouse in the industrial area of town, via Sorel, while Judo went to the Green Casina in via Martiri della Libertà, but after two years, in July 2010 we were forced to face yet another move, back to one unique location, and where we still are today, via Don Lorenzo Milani in Riosecco.
Now in a PRIVATE facility!
As you can see the history of Asd Centro Judo Gymnastics Tifernate has been very challenging and fraught with difficulty, especially in finding the right location to work from, as the Public Spaces according to the Directors: "are few and hardly ever suitable for development. Amateurish and limiting to our activities ".
Moreover, the impossible task of setting-up the sizable and heavy equipment, the difficulty of assembly and disassembly of such equipment for each training session, were the main reasons for changing location.
It's difficult to imagine just how vast and varied the equipment required really is, in order to ensure that the athletes can train and perform to the very best of their abilities.
Of course we could have opted for a more advantageous solution, but our keywords have always been:
Imagine having to solve these problems for two separate disciplines!! However, the Founding Members have not given up. They continue to roll up their sleeves and work to find solutions, completely at their own expense and, as a result of the hard work and dedication have created a Club that is recognised by many National Managers and Technicians, and described as 'a great example of functionality.' From the beginning, in the local area, we have been attributed, the title of "Private Activity", without the need for external intervention.
To guarantee continuity, also from a technical and professional point of view, its members have decided to work under the auspices of CONI and CIP through the respective National Sports Federations, under the Amateur Sports Association.